Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mekaa Ngadan (Irau)

The Kelabit hve this particular culture of changing (mekaa) their names. A minor name change may happen when a young child (person) is always not well (often get sick),the parents may want to change the name in the hope of changing the quality of life of the child - or they may offer the child to be adopted by a close relative or family friend.
The Mekaa Ngadan in the true and normal meaning here is an occasion (an Irau) where a person who have attained the stage of parenthood - becoming a father or grandfatherhood. In the case of my late father, his given name when he was young was Nipa'.When my elder sister was born his name was changed to Tama Akup (my mother Puyang became Sina Akup) . When my first child (Wayne) was born I have togo through this occasion by 'mekaa' my name for Kalang to be Madoayu and my wife Elizabeth became Sina Mado Ayu (Mrs Mado Ayu) and my parent changed their names, a second time to show that they are grandparents. Tama Akup became Adtah Naan Bala and Sina Akup, Adtah Naan Ayu. This occasion of mekaa ngadan could be more grand and elaborate than maybe the wedding as it involve many people. In a wedding the bride and bridegrooms are central while the mekaa ngadan may involve the couple, their parents (both side),uncles,aunties and maybe a hordes of relatives.
When we changed our name in 1975, we had the irau in Pa' Ukat. We slaughtered 2 baffaloes,a cow and 8 pigs and it was a big occasion for us and our family.


  1. uncle,
    i've heard of this 'changing name' procedure among the Kelabits (exclusively) from friends. to my understanding, the namesake carry special meaning to all involved. (according to your daughter, yours: Madoayu=far,far away. simply because you live far from your village)

    when is the next ceremony?

  2. Thank you for reading my blog.

    Yes, the names do have special meaning.
    My name was given by my late grandmother.
    She was no longer with us when we change our names but told my parents she wanted me to have
    that name. Must remember she has never been out of Kelabit highlands - never been or seen a town. I was teaching in Lawas then - that must be really far to her.
    The next one ? We were thinking about having one 2 years ago but my son,Wayne had a change of job and his holidays were unsure so ...
    wse have re think of new dates.
